We Rise Series: Destiny Douglas

Content Warning: This episode features themes of assault perpetrated by law enforcement/authority figures, secondary trauma rooting from the reporting process, and isolation for survivors in northern and remote communities. These themes may be difficult to navigate for some listeners. As always, protect your peace.

Note: To keep the authenticity of the conversation between Jacqueline and Destiny, this episode has been released with minimal edits. Destiny did experience some technical challenges from her end at the end of our call, but her message remained so powerful throughout. 

Travelling for access to court: 4:50 - 5:00

Gaps in care for survivors in northern and remote communities: ongoing throughout the episode

Processing the immediate trauma of SA: 6:55 - 7:16

Treatment in hospital: 10:45 - 14:20

Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Exam: 14:28 - 22:13

Reporting to police: 23:00 - 30:22

Sexual violence education in school: 31:12 - 34:00

Struggles with friends following disclosure of SA: 36:00 - 42:18

Appeal of conviction: 47:00 - 52:00

Cross examination: 52:58 - 54:18

Details of sexual assault and disassociation / frozen fright: 54:33 - 55:26, 1:13:18 - 1:15:14

Navigating trauma over time: 56:50 - 1:17:10

To learn more about Destiny's story, please visit the following links:  https://www.nugget.ca/2018/05/11/destiny-douglas-confronts-her-rapist-in-court 





Life After Inspiration Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Life.after.inspire


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